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Пятница, 10 Апрель 2015 07:01


     Authorities surprised by the new legislation recently. We have become estranged from such a rapid pace of change. And when changes have been made - they were isolated, non-professional and non-system.

     The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, together with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine once again took up for agriculture. Typically, changes in this sphere are scare, but we hope that this time is still something better.

     According to the Act of 03.05.2015, it was granted the rights of a significant part to notaries the state registrar of property rights in the sphere of registration of rights to agricultural land.

Now notary:

  • Performs the functions of the state registrar of real estate rights;
  • Has access to and uses the State Land Cadaster, forms of extraction with cadaster.

     In my opinion, the provision of notaries right of access to state land cadastre - is very correct systemic change, because now getting to extraction the SLC artificially complicated that there is a cause of corruption risks.

     Most of this innovation will make happy agribusiness enterprises, since they are most dependent on the availability of registration of property rights. All agribusiness based on millions agricultural land which are shared. And in the case of failure of registration actions in a certain order and within the agricultural sector, the company line is not entitled to use the preferential tax regime in agriculture.

     Therefore, I personally estimate the most positive such innovations. However, they should be improved and effective control.


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Law Company «Alfa Lex Consulting»

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