Michael Silkin
Partner practices in corporate, health, contract law.
Education: Master of Law (National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kiev).
Successful legal career began in 2008 as a lawyer in a private enterprise.
Since 2012, he headed the legal department of a pharmaceutical company, where he acquired invaluable experience in managing wide-affairs firm. The acquired knowledge, experience and practice have made it possible to approach the issue of private practice in the form of "legal consultation." Since 2013 he became a partner of Law Company "Alfa Lex Consulting".
Major areas of professional activity: bankruptcy, contract law, tax law, medical law.
For 2009-2014, has won more than 100 court cases in Ukraine, held a registration of more than 150 business entities, 20 non-governmental organizations, successfully reached more than 1,000 contracts.
Basic Beliefs - "nothing is impossible" - Michael makes Silkin purposeful, initiative, responsibility, communication, and gives the whole team of partners and lawyers impetus to the development and overcoming tasks.
Participated in conferences on corporate affairs, tax matters. Nominee for the title of "Best Corporate Lawyer of the Year 2013".
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+38 (095) 041-41-13
+38 (066) 807-45-35
+38 (093) 488-88-22